LM's Vanilla Circlet Overhaul SSE


Covers all the circlets, works with USSEP, but USSEP isn't necessary.
It's meshes and textures. It's not really special, nor any fancy HQ textures. I just wanted something simple and griddy.

- I edited the textures and meshes so they work with metal cubemaps and are consistent. 

I highly recommend to use SC Cubemaps.

- Credit -

Saerileth for the meshes and the gemstones of their Gemling Queen Jewelery.

Bethesda - textures and meshes 

Applications used: 
  • Nifskope
  • Outfitstudio
  • Photoshop
  • Octagon

Install with your Mod Manager, I use MO2.
Let it overwrite everything else. 

Be aware I didn't change any texture set up, because I am tired, and I make mods actually for myself, and don't wan't to change them up anymore much for publish. As I have the impression, it anyway doesn't get much appreciated what one has to change on mods to publish them for others. So my gem textures overwrite Gemling's ones. Mine are a bit darker and I reduced shine, which works a bit better with ENBs. 

I don't use LE, so therefore no version for that. Sorry!

If you find any issues, let me know, please. TY

- Permission -

No full upload anywhere else. Ask for permission if you want to do something with it. 

